Darker Escape Gamez Apps

Escape Absurd Christmas v2.0.0
Addictive adventure of escaping!--------Preface--------Looking forward to Christmas presents.The day finally arrived, the children took to the streets toplaythe snow, and tired to go home waiting for a gift.Up to 12 o'clock, Santa Claus does not appear?Who knows Santa's phone, urging him a little faster!--------------------------Simple, free download!Click on the screen to move.Click somewhere you think is suspicious.Can you unlock the mystery and escape safely !?
Escape Wilderness v1.0.1
Addictive adventure of escaping!--------Preface--------There used to be a legend.A mysterious treasure buried in a wilderness jungle.Wild animals come and go in the wilderness, very dangerous.In order to find treasure, need your help.--------------------------Simple, free download!Click on the screen to move.Click somewhere you think is suspicious.Can you unlock the mystery and escape safely !?
Escape Fashion House v2.0.0
Addictive adventure of escaping!--------Preface--------Finally found a fun game.I came to a secret room to play escaping game with agoodbuddy."You can get the highest honor if get through" says the door.Looks worth a challenge!--------------------------Simple, free download!Click on the screen to move.Click somewhere you think is suspicious.Can you unlock the mystery and escape safely !?
Escape Boulevard v2.0.0
Addictive adventure of escaping!--------Preface--------Walking in the boulevard, there is a very comfortablefeeling.Living in the city for a long time, here can relax out of themoodindeed.Walking as walking, but lost.Friends, help me out of the woods!--------------------------Simple, free download!Click on the screen to move.Click somewhere you think is suspicious.Can you unlock the mystery and escape safely !?
Escape Forest Treasures v1.0.0
Addictive adventure of escaping!--------Preface--------Amy went to the woods for a picnic with her friends.Suddenly found a treasure map on the ground.They decided to follow the tips in the map to find outthetruth.What did they find at the end?--------------------------Simple, free download!Click on the screen to move.Click somewhere you think is suspicious.Can you unlock the mystery and escape safely !?
Escape Conspiracy v1.0.0
Addictive adventure of escaping!--------Preface--------We are invited to participate in the wedding by my classmates,wecame to the city with a group of people.Originally thought it was a happy day.But in the end after the destination is not the sameasimagined.The city is empty!What a conspiracy in the end?--------------------------Simple, free download!Click on the screen to move.Click somewhere you think is suspicious.Can you unlock the mystery and escape safely !?
Escape Toys House v1.1.0
Addictive adventure of escaping!--------Preface--------Jack took the family to the toys house, where there was a pinkyroom and kitchen.Jack’s baby boldly into the inside, bustling.Can they find the hidden secret in this house?--------------------------Simple, free download!Click on the screen to move.Click somewhere you think is suspicious.Can you unlock the mystery and escape safely !?
Escape Zebra Crossing v2.0.0
Addictive adventure of escaping!--------Preface--------Lonely little town, empty.A mess around the roadside houses.Shouting, but no response.In the end what happened here?I marching lonely zebra crossing, thinking while walking ...--------------------------Simple, free download!Click on the screen to move.Click somewhere you think is suspicious.Can you unlock the mystery and escape safely !?
Escape Silent evening v1.0.0
Escape Silent eveningAddictive adventure of escaping!--------Preface--------This is a quiet evening.The setting sun was warm.But this room was felt bursts of cold winds.I went into the room, ready to unravel the mystery.--------------------------Simple, free download!Click on the screen to move.Click somewhere you think is suspicious.Can you unlock the mystery and escape safely !?
Escape High Tech v1.0.0
Addictive adventure of escaping!--------Preface--------The house of technical staff is really not the same as usual.Everywhere are full of unusual sense of scienceandtechnology.Here is the voice-activated television, there is the infraredaudioequipment.There are even robot service!--------------------------Simple, free download!Click on the screen to move.Click somewhere you think is suspicious.Can you unlock the mystery and escape safely !?
Escape Chalets v1.0.0
Addictive adventure of escaping!--------Preface--------There is a wooden house in the forest.Inside is clean and neat, the furniture is complete, butisnobody.We are curious to find out the reason.The door was locked after we enter, and we had to find ways toleavehere.--------------------------Simple, free download!Click on the screen to move.Click somewhere you think is suspicious.Can you unlock the mystery and escape safely !?
Escape Curable Stairs v1.0.1
Addictive adventure of escaping!--------Preface--------It is very sad.Originally, I intend to dressed up to attend the schoolparty,but found that the newly purchased skirt disappeared for noapparentreason.I have been looking for a long time but did not find, angry!Walk upstairs along the stairs to see if there is ...--------------------------Simple, free download!Click on the screen to move.Click somewhere you think is suspicious.Can you unlock the mystery and escape safely !?
Escape New House v2.0.1
Addictive adventure of escaping!--------Preface--------Me: "Darling, you see this house is not satisfied?My wife: "Good fashion decoration, I like it!"Me: "That’s OK, we live here later."My wife: "That 's nice, but ... how can I open this door…?The door locks, fast think of a way!--------------------------Simple, free download!Click on the screen to move.Click somewhere you think is suspicious.Can you unlock the mystery and escape safely !?
Escape Hot Afternoon v1.0.0
Addictive adventure of escaping!--------Preface--------Summer has finally arrived.The whole house was very hot and almost breathless.Want to open the air conditioning, but can not find theremotecontrol.Room, living room, kitchen, I have looking for it everywhere,haveit been lost?I was covered in sweat at this time ...--------------------------Simple, free download!Click on the screen to move.Click somewhere you think is suspicious.Can you unlock the mystery and escape safely !?
Escape Comfortable Home v1.0.0
Addictive adventure of escaping!--------Preface--------After a busy day, finally arrive home.My wife prepared a sumptuous dinner.After dinner, all the family were gone.Seems to be playing hide and seek with me ... naughty family.--------------------------Simple, free download!Click on the screen to move.Click somewhere you think is suspicious.Can you unlock the mystery and escape safely !?
Escape Garden v1.0.0
Addictive adventure of escaping!--------Preface--------We are ready to barbecue in a private garden.There came a lot of guests, we all have a lot of fun.At the end, I was ready to leave, but found the owner of thegardenplay a joke with me.The garden door was locked. I need to find a way out.--------------------------Simple, free download!Click on the screen to move.Click somewhere you think is suspicious.Can you unlock the mystery and escape safely !?
Escape Top Apartment v1.0.0
Addictive adventure of escaping!--------Preface--------Private parties are held in a top-of-the-range apartment.We visited the penthouse in advance, and the sea viewwasbeautiful."Why can’t the door be opened?"The door was locked, fast way help us!--------------------------Simple, free download!Click on the screen to move.Click somewhere you think is suspicious.Can you unlock the mystery and escape safely !?
Escape Leisure Day v2.0.1
Addictive adventure of escaping!--------Preface--------Finally to the weekend, I can have a rest at home.Cream cake, candy, soda water, watching movies, food like thesecannot be less.Huh? Where is my cell phone?Help me!--------------------------Simple, free download!Click on the screen to move.Click somewhere you think is suspicious.Can you unlock the mystery and escape safely !?